Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is the only way I think I am able to get anything that resembles a ponytail from this child! She is so tender headed and, well, she doesn't really have a lot of hair on the top of her head! So I guess bows will have to do for now! At least strangers no longer say, "He is so cute!"

Washing the car with daddy!

Well, if Chad isn't going to have a little boy to help out with washing the car, then Hannah will have to do!

I think she liked getting wet and playing with the bubbles the most!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Twin ????

If you didn't get an e-mail from me, we are having twin girls!! Very shocking, I just knew there would be a boy in there. They are very healthy girls and growing! At least we will have plenty of baby girl clothes for the first year....hand me downs are great!!!! Although we are thankful they are healthy, we can't help but think of the future...you know, things like....periods, boys, clothes, college, weddings, etc. And all of this at the same time.... times three! Hannah will be just shy of 22 months when they are born! And just to let you know, this is it. We will not be trying for a boy. I think 3 pretty much more than completes our family! Thanks again for your prayers for healthy babies!

Monday, September 22, 2008

My baby girl

This past week things have really slowed down at work, so Hannah and I got to spend a little more time together. I am really going to miss it being just my little Hannah. Of course we are excited about the twins, but it will be forever different. I just can't imagine three! Wow! Anyway, we have been chilling at home playing babies, dancing to silly music, attempting to color, she loves to watch me cook, going to the park, going to daddy's work and tennis matches, and her newest thing....pushing her baby stroller with her twin babies! Of course her twin babies are never in there at the same time, but she pushes them in a circle forever! It is so cute to watch! Here are some snapshots of her over the past week...she loves to brush her teeth...or play with the toothbrush! Enjoy! Oh, and yes I know I forgot to turn one picture around...for all my OCD friends! Love ya!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Twin Update

My appointment on Wed went well. The twins are still growing! The doc tried to see if he could figure out what they were but they weren't exactly cooperating. He thinks baby B could be a boy, but he said we would have to see for sure on the 26th of this month. We are so excited to know what they will be! And yes, we will let ya know what they are. I am sleeping better since he told me I can take tylenol pm and my headaches are better now that I am having a little caffeine a day. Now for a little 1 year old trivia! Wow, I think we might be hitting the terrible twos early! Hannah knows the word "no!" very well now. She likes to throw herself on the floor, hit you when she is mad, and even hit herself when she gets in trouble. I am open to suggestions...we are about to go through the Shepherding your child's heart small group, I am thankful for that. I know most kids go through this, but I think it kind of throws you off guard when it actually happens.....especially in public!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Help me out here!

I know this is totally dumb on my part and I admit it, but how do I get my words first and then the pictures? Is it the template I am using. I have tried several different ways without success. Any suggestions? I would also like to have links to ya'lls blogs but can't figure out how to get those to show up either. Advice would be much appreciated!

Back on Track!

Well, it has been a month since I have blogged anything! So far, I might be the world's worst blogger! I actually feel like being sociable now that I am feeling better. So sorry gals for not keeping in touch. I feel like I have had a great excuse though...you know....twins and all! I go back to the doctor on Wed. Sept 10 for a check up. I can't wait to hear their little heartbeats! I have been so anxious to see them and make sure they are doing okay. I still haven't felt them kick yet. Everyone has been so gracious on making extra items available since we will be having 2 this time! Thanks! We already have a donated crib and car seat! My mother-in-law got us an extra high chair and I have tons of girl clothes! So I am hoping at least one is another girl! Anyway, enough twin talk! Hannah is definitley growing up! It is amazing how much she changes and learns every week! She loves to play with her baby dolls and swaddles them and rocks them. I hope she is just as sweet to the twins. She got a new pair of sneakers over the weekend. I didn't realize she had never really worn a real pair of supportive shoes since she has learned to walk. It has been flip-flops all summer! So it was pretty funny watching her walk in them. We have had lots of family in and out for the past month and a half. I am still working a couple days a week and my mom and mother-in-law have both been pitching in to help us out. A.J Herring is so graciously watching her now on the days that I work. Hannah absolutely loves it! So that is about all that has been going on. Tennis is back in full swing, so Chad is pretty busy now. He is such a great daddy though! It is so sweet when he comes home and spends his daddy and Hannah time with her. They play and dance.....she loves the evenings when he gets home. The bond between them is so special. Well, here are a few pictures of Hannah and grandmas and oh yeah one of my prego belly. Sorry for the whiteness, I haven't exactly been in the sun lately. I am 15 weeks prego today!