Monday, September 15, 2008

Twin Update

My appointment on Wed went well. The twins are still growing! The doc tried to see if he could figure out what they were but they weren't exactly cooperating. He thinks baby B could be a boy, but he said we would have to see for sure on the 26th of this month. We are so excited to know what they will be! And yes, we will let ya know what they are. I am sleeping better since he told me I can take tylenol pm and my headaches are better now that I am having a little caffeine a day. Now for a little 1 year old trivia! Wow, I think we might be hitting the terrible twos early! Hannah knows the word "no!" very well now. She likes to throw herself on the floor, hit you when she is mad, and even hit herself when she gets in trouble. I am open to suggestions...we are about to go through the Shepherding your child's heart small group, I am thankful for that. I know most kids go through this, but I think it kind of throws you off guard when it actually happens.....especially in public!

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