Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so I am totally ridiculous! Blogging and e-mailing may not be for me! I just can't seem to keep up with myself! Well, here are a few snapshots of Hannah's 2nd Halloween. (I also can't seem to get my pictures in order) So the first set is from the fall festival and the second is from her playgroup Halloween party. Hannah had an ear infection, sinus infection, and is getting four molars all at the same she didn't give us too many smiles or much excitement this Halloween. She wouldn't take pictures with Madelyn Bersoza for the life of me! Maybe next year! She was a cute little ladybug though!

So starting backwards......this is Hannah with her little buddy Hunter at the fall festival

Mommy and Hannah
(don't mistake this for a smile, I think she wanted her paci)
Daddy and Hannah

This is at her playgroup Halloween party
She liked playing with the toys more than taking pictures
or eating!

All the mommies were trying to take pictures of all the kids...
which worked out real well as you can see

One of several attempts to have Hannah take a picture
with little Maddie.

Before we left for the party.....the only little smile I got!

Well, I hope to get some more pictures posted soon. Since Halloween, both my mom and Chad's mom have been down to help us out with little Hannah while I worked and rested! What a blessing they both are! I love them so much! Hannah has recovered from her ear infection and sinus infection and now we are just battling the molars! I am currently 24 weeks and 3 days prego with the twins! I think some names have stuck on us...Madison Hope and McKinley Faith. I make no promises that is what they will be by Feb, but they sure are cute. And that is what I have been calling them. Next week should be my last week of work. Chad and I have decided to have me stop work a little sooner than we anticipated. Carrying twins is harder and more worrisome than I imagined. Also notice that I haven't posted pictures of my big round belly, which I am still debating whether I should or not. Let's just say, somebody the other day at the store said, "Wow, somebody is about to have a baby!" So, needless to say I am growing fast! I am excited to spend that extra time with my little girl with the extra time off before the twins come. She just changes every week. Her vocabulary has expanded so much and her personality is just so sweet! Her new phrase is "Come on mama," but she says it kind of hick and I think it is so hilarious! Well that is all I can type for now. I see the doc on Nov. 19 for a check up! Hopefully I will have some pictures posted by then!


Laura said...

yeah-finally a new post! You look wonderful in your pregnancy with twins-don't listen to any crazy people or what they say while you are preggo! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm wondering if blogging is for you. Lol. It will be much harder to blog with the twins arrive. Hannah makes a cute Ladybug! Love the potential baby names. Both are very cute! Enjoy your time off before the twins arrive and try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible. Love ya! Can't wait to see y'all!

Sarah Miller said...

Girl, Im so glad you are stopping work! You need to rest! Yay, 24 weeks-- an important milestone! Im praying for you all. Love ya!