Well, it looks like we will have the girls anytime now! The doctor says that he is proud that we have made it to the 35 week mark! We had an ultrasound today and Madison and McKinley are doing great. Maddie weighs about 4 lb 7 oz and
Kinley weighs about 4 lbs 6 oz and still both have very strong heartbeats. They are both head up right now, but Maddie is the one we were counting on to be head down. So...since there is no room in there for them to really flip around, we went ahead and scheduled a c-section for Friday, Feb. 13. This will be the first surgery I have ever had, which freaks me out a bit, but I am praying God will give me peace about it. I know everyone may not feel this way, but I
truly loved giving birth to Hannah. I felt like a champion, it was such wonderful feeling for me! So I am kind of sad in a way. But whatever it takes to get my girls here safely I am capable of handling. God has His hand in it all and I know there is a reason why, even though I may not understand at the time. So that is about it for now. Thanks again for all your prayers and support! I will keep you all posted!
1 comment:
We are so excited for you! Praying for a safe delivery and peace for you and your family! Can't wait to hear the good news!
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