Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hannahs First Day of Gymnastics

Today was Hannah's first day of "bymnakstiks." She has been talking about wanting to do this for a while. Chad and I decided to let her try it and see how she likes it. When they finally call the kiddos back to start their session, Hannah Grace has a little "big" meltdown. Who could blame her, right? She didn't know a single soul there and gets super shy. Finally with much bribing of gum, sprite, and icecream....she participated while mommy slipped away to watch in the waiting room with Madi and Kinley. They did great until about the last 15 min. I let them sit by me so they could see Hannah through the window. By this time, it is getting crowded because there is another session right after Hannah's class for the bigger kids. Suddenly I feel something warm on my leg and smell something rank...and then realize McKinley is puking....a lot......I was mortified. Couldn't clean up the puke because K is still puking, now Madi is is total chaos until right now. With much more puking. I was laughing to keep from crying because Hannah was so excited when she got out. She wanted to tell all about her first day but I couldn't concentrate for the stinch coming from me and Mckinley and oh yeah, the puke running down my leg. This is by far the grossest day of my life thus far. All that to say, Hannah did great and will be going back. Without sisters.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Love the weather!

The girls and I have been taking advantage of the nice weather in the mornings. We went to the train station here in Corsicana that is now the visitors center and also went to a neat little alley park in between two buildings in historic downtown Corsicana. I snapped a few pics to update the blog....if anyone follows it has been almost a year! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello friends and fam! Just wanted to update everyone! We are officially in Corsicana! The tennis season has officially started and I am full time stay at home mommy again! Corsicana has been great so far. We are much closer to family.....I am able to spend more time with my mom and dad during the week. Jason, Nat, and Eli are just across the railroad tracks (lots of rr tracks in Corsicana). Uncle Jason has done lots of neice sitting rock Uncle J! Our house is on the way in for my brother, Callie, and Connor. Connor gets to come over for a cousin sleepover this weekend...Hannah is just so excited! We have been able to reconnect with old friends and already made some new ones. We truley miss our friends in Temple....and Chick fila!!!!! Can't wait to come for a visit! Here are a few new pics!

Madi, Hannah, and Kinley on their way to the aquarium in Dallas for an all day daddy date!

On our way to the only splash pad in Corsicana!
The girls and Connor at Nina and Pawpaw's.

Hannah and Connor

Monday, August 23, 2010

Losing my mind!

Okay so it has been a long time since I have even checked my, I was working on changing things and updating my blog and I can't seem to figure out how to change the font color? I have clicked on everything I can I missing something? Thankful for any help!