If you didn't get an e-mail from me, we are having twin girls!! Very shocking, I just knew there would be a boy in there. They are very healthy girls and growing! At least we will have plenty of baby girl clothes for the first year....hand me downs are great!!!! Although we are thankful they are healthy, we can't help but think of the future...you know, things like....periods, boys, clothes, college, weddings, etc. And all of this at the same time.... times three! Hannah will be just shy of 22 months when they are born! And just to let you know, this is it. We will not be trying for a boy. I think 3 pretty much more than completes our family! Thanks again for your prayers for healthy babies!
Woo hoo! Hannah and the girls will be so close and love each other. How fun! Sorry for Chad there isn't a boy in the mix, but he's a great daddy to girls, that's for sure! Congrats!!!
At least you'll already have the clothes part down! Poor Chad...he's outnumbered now. Pre-order the headache medicine for him. :-)
Sara!!! I found you! It's Sara Miller! Chad and Andrew have been talking and he told Andrew about the twins - WOW!!!! Im so excited and miss yall so much. We are so hoping to get back there soon. Our second boy is due in 5 weeks. Come see our blog - Im so happy I found yalls!!!!
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